Thursday, August 18, 2011

WAITING -The Deconstruction of G - Part #no

G loved times spent in waiting - waiting for airplanes topped the list, followed by waiting for the destination, waiting on a wooden bench watching the rain and reading a Maugham, waiting for steamy spicy pasta after running into a bistro from the windy outdoors, waiting for a blissful cup of coffee amid the wafting tantalizing scents, for a cool draught of beer, for the first light, for the pink dusk, for the velvet night, for the deep poignant darkness of 3 a.m. Waiting was the most beautiful, the most charming, the most benevolent of times, and G was waiting.

For Godot? Maybe. 

But the wait is worth the wait.


1 comment:

Alone in the rain... said...

True, very true. The end rarely lives up to the wait.