Monday, December 19, 2011


So I've got mint tea, green tea lemon flavored, Assam tea, English breakfast tea... what'll you have?
Er.. I don't know. What're you taking?
Oh. /: I
I don't like tea at all.
I see.
Therefore I foist it upon my unfortunate guests. :)
You could try not buying any?
Ah! That never works, does it? Fucking advertisements.
Ah! So true.
Well what?
What'll you have?
Coffee, if that's okay.
Nope. Not okay.
I need to finish off all this tea and stuff before the packers and movers come to dismantle my life. Drink tea!
Fine, I'll go with the Assam. :x ...So you really are leaving, huh?
Yep.... You thought I wouldn't go through with it?
Well, no. But I hoped you wouldn't.
So did I you know.
You hoped you wouldn't leave?
But you don't have to hope! It's your decision, right?
Yes. But decisions just get made, don't they?
I suppose so.... Like my tea.
Yes, like your tea.

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